I promised to finish the "just because" story, and I will but not for a bit because, well I just haven't felt like it.
Lol, Don't ask..............
Anyway, I have found that I am clearly lacking motivation-- I think I might be a procrastinator
I'll let you know later.
Okay, I have a million things I should be doing (who doesn't ?) but lately I just can't seem to stick with any one thing; I want to be creative and make this or that, I want to list more things in my store, I want to win a million dollars, I want- er wait... I REALLY want to win a million dollars! :P
(I might buy a ticket- next week)
Moving on to nothing in particular...........
I have realized that I am a proverbial genius when it comes to creative ideas, and IF I stick to it I'm not too bad at creating whatever thing I was a genius in thinking up
(that IF word is so important to my life as I know it)
So lately, when my genius self comes up with an idea i think about how to do it and then...... I think about it some more and then.... I sit there..........
Maybe I should drink a Red Bull... I need wings
Hmmmm , maybe tomorrow.....